Sunday, March 13, 2016


Topic: Dangers of working in the flesh
Text: Galatians 5:16-18

The passage says "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law."
Here, Paul was imploring us not to live in flesh for one who does that is not of God.
The end of it is not always good, for God is a respecter of no man. Strife to be of the spirit and let Him lead you for the end is always sweet and glorious.

    What are the dangers?

1. It brings about curse (Gen 35:22) :-

Flesh led Reuben to lie with his father's wife (Bilhah). Though his father did not say anything afterwards, in Gen 49:1-4, Reuben reaped bad for the bad seed he had earlier sown. Gen 3:1-19

2. It upturns the plan of God :-

In Judges 13:3-6, Samson was destined to set Israel free from the Philistines but he failed to fulfil this as he pleased his flesh rather than pleasing God. If you are someone whom a prophet had prophesied good unto, do not merry in it because the end might be worse than that of Samson. Judges 16:18-30, he was disgraced by the people he should have conquered if he had worked in God's instruction.

3. It brings about loss of glory or opportunity Gen (25:25-34) :-

Esau was born with an extraordinary glory but sold it for his stomach unknowingly. In Gen 27:32-36, he later discovered how valuable what he had lost was. Esau cried for another opportunity but there was none. What glory have you lost with your love of food? I decree that in the name that is above all other names which is the name of Jesus Christ, receive them.
                    In the latter part of Gen 27:40 Isaac said "And it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck." I pray that today as you are turning a new leave the yoke of backwardness is broken in Jesus name (Amen).

4. It brings about destruction (2 samuel 1:1-16) :-

The bible made us to know that the power of a man is in his tongue. What we profess with our mouth is a determinant of our tomorrow.
Prov 13:3 says "He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life, but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction." In 2sam 1:1-16, a soldier of King Saul's army misued his tongue and this led to his destruction. Allow the spirit to always guard you and he will tell you when to talk and when you ought not to.

5.  It brings eternal condemnation (Matt 27:1-10) :-

Judas Iscariot was a great example of this. John 12:3-5 says "Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?"
                 The reason for what he said was made known in verse 6 "This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein."
Judas' end was really bad due to his acts.
Friend, be informed that only those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God.  If you are yet to give your totality to God, now is the best time for you to do so.
Say this prayer from the depth of your heart
"Father, I thank You that Jesus died for me. I confess I have broken Your laws. Forgive my sins. I receive the pardon right now. Lord Jesus, come into my life. Give me a new heart with new desires. And by Your Spirit, give me the power to live a life that is pleasing to You. Thank you for forgiving me as You promised. Thank You for the gift of eternal Iife."


Tuesday, February 16, 2016




        In Nigeria fish farming, two main fishes are involved. They are catfish and tilapia. Although, there is a recent tendency to diversify into carp and heterotis production. Catfish require 28-35 and 45-50% cp and tilapia 25-40%cp depending on their age. The older they are, the lower the crude protein requirements. Therefore the fry of catfish require 45-50% cp, the fingerlings and juveniles require 40-45% cp while the broodstocks requires 35%cp. The fry of tilapia require 40%cp while the adults require 25-30%cp. The two tables below contain some nutrient required and their values for some fishes.
           Feed for fish must meet all the nutrient requirement of the species and this is achievable through diet formulation procedures.
The formulator selects dietary ingredients with predetermined upper and lower limits of inclusion, to form a mixture that is pelletable, palatable, nutritious, inexpensive, free from antinutritional factors, storable, transportable, usable and water stable.
                 Dietary ingredients are chosen based on cost, availability, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Digestibility of the ingredients is also very essential


A balanced diet can only be obtained through feed formulation. Feed formulation can be carried out through different methods, which include:
1) Pearson’s square method
2) Algebraic method
3) Trial and error method
4) Linear programming which employs the idea of least cost feed formulation using computer.

Most nutritionists often depend on trial and error method.


If sesame seed meal cost #70/kg and contain 44% cp;
Cost/kg of protein             =     70     
                                                  0.44          =          #159.09/kg protein
If groundnut cake cost #60/kg and contain 40% cp
Cost/kg of protein             =        60   
                                                     0.40       =           #150.00/kg protein

                       Thus, although the groundnut cake has a lower protein content, it is still a better buy as its cost is less per kg of protein supplied. Similar calculations can be carried out for any other given nutrient to find the least cost feedstuff for supplying such nutrient.


*Acquire the ingredients
*Process the soyabean
*Mill all that need to be milled
*Weigh each ingredient appropriately
*Mix all together without starch thoroughly
*Cook the starch
*Mix the cooked starch with cold water and mix with the mixed feed to moist for pelleting
*Dry after pelleting
*After drying, bag it and it is ready for use.
The feed should be stored in a cool and dry place


Because feed is expensive, feed conversion ratio (FCR) or feed efficiency (FE) are important calculations for the grower. They can be used to determine if feed is being used efficiently. FCR is calculated as the weight of feed fed to the fish divided by the weight of fish growth.
FE is simply the reciprocal of FCR (1/FCR). FCR of 1.5 or 2.0 and FE greater than 50% are considered good growth.


Bags of feeds should be kept out of direct sunlight and as cool as possible. Vitamins, proteins, and lipids are especially heat sensitive, and can be readily denatured by high storage temperatures. High moisture stimulates mold growth and feed decomposition. Avoid unnecessary handling and damage to the feed bags which may break the pellets and creates fines which may not be consumed by fish.
                 Feed should not be stored longer than 90 to 100 days, and should be inventoried regularly. Bags should not be stacked higher than 10 at a time. Older feed should not be used first, and all should be regularly inspected for mold prior to feeding. All moldy feed should be discarded immediately. Mice, rats, roaches and other pests should be strictly controlled in the feed storage area, because they consume and contaminate feed and transmit diseases.


When fish reduce or stops feeding, it is a signal to look for problems. Off-feed behavior is the first signal of trouble such as disease or water quality deterioration in the fish growing system. Relatively few therapeutic drugs are approved for fish by FDA, but some medicated feeds for sick fish are available. Although using medicated feeds is one of the easiest ways to treat fish, they must be used early and quickly because sick fish frequently will stop feeding.

Sunday, February 14, 2016



                        The fruit of the spirit is the spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit produces these  traits(characters) that are found in the very nature of Christ. These traits are produced in the Christians as he allows the Spirit to direct and influence his life and to destroy the power of sin, especially works of the flesh, so that he can have unbroken fellowship with God (Rom 8:4-5, Eph 4:2-3).
                    The fruits are products of Christ's control in us, and we cannot obtain them by our mere efforts. If we desire them, we must join our lives to His (John 15:4-5). In this case, we must know Him, fellowship with Him and imitate Him. This will help us fulfil the intended purpose of shape and transform us into the express image of God the Son, Jesus Christ.
                     The fruit of the Spirit is the physical manifestation of the transformed Christian. Let us therefore examine the attributes of this nine-fold fruit.

1. LOVE: Biblically, this means caring and seeking for the highest good of another person without motive for personal gains. Our greatest goal is to do all things in love. Love is patient and kind; it does not envy or boast; it is not proud, rude, self-seeking, or easily angered; and it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. (1corinth 13:4-8, 1john 4:16, roman 5:5, colos 3:14). Access yourself in these attributes and pray that God would help you.

2. JOY: This is the feeling of gladness based on love, grace, blessings, and nearness of God (psa. 119:16, 2corinth 6:10; 12:9, 1pet 1:8).
                 Unlike happiness (which depends on physical happenings around a person), joy is spiritual, dependent on what is not seen. (Neh 8:10) says "the joy of the Lord is your strength".

3. PEACE: This is the quietness of heart and mind based on knowledge that is well (Rom 15:33, Heb 13:20). Indeed, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5:1 & 13).

4. LONGSUFFERING: This means endurance in patience and being sloe to anger. Col 1:11 states "We are strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, unto all patience through longsuffering with joyfulness.

5. GENTLENESS: This means 'not wanting to hurt someone or inflict pain on another person (Eph 4:32, Col 3:12). The Bible enjoins us to live in purity, understanding, patience and kindness with all, having the weapon of righteousness always with us (2Corinth 6:6-7).

6. GOODNESS: This implies zeal for truth and righteousness, as well as hatred for evil. It can be expressed in acts of kindness (Lk 7:35-50) or rebuking and correcting evil (Matt 21:12-13). May God count us worthy of His calling and fulfil all His good pleasure in our service to Him.

7. FAITH: This is the firmness and unwavering loyalty and adherence to a person to whom one is united by promise, commitment, trustworthiness and honesty (Matt 23:23; Rom 3:3).'O Lord thou art my God, I will exhort thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsel of old are faithfulness and truth'(Isa 25:1).

8. MEEKNESS: This means restraint coupled with strength and courage. A well tamed lion can live and play with children all its life.
                When the Holy Spirit tames a man, he becomes meek. It describes a strong and influential person who becomes humbly submissive when he is angered by a weak and un-influential person (2Tim 2:25, 1Corinth 1:2, Gal 1:9).

9. TEMPERANCE: This is having control or mastery over one's own desires and passions, including faithfulness to ones marriage vows. It also means purity and chastity (1Corinth 9:25, Tit 1:8, 2:5).

                 Christian maturity requires that we exhibit and practise these virtues over and over again. The fruits adds credibility to your walk with God.
                Hence, you must allow the Holy Spirit to work these fruits in you so that you can radiate the presence of God through your Spirit, soul and body, and so that others can be influenced toward obedience to God.

Prayer Point: Pray that the Lord of Host to fill you with the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Aquatic weeds

    Aquatic vegetation refers to plants which grow partially or completely in waterbodies. They may have their roots grow from the bottom of a waterbody (e.g Nymphaea or water lily) or may be floating plants (e.g Pistia or water lettuce) or may grow near the waterbody (e.g Ipomoea). Aquatic plants, at low levels, have beneficial effects on fish in that they serve as food for some species (e.g Oreochromis niloticus eats Lemna), vegetative cover against predators like birds etc.
        However, when aquatic weeds become excessive, they:
-Limit light penetration into the pond
-Compete with fish for pond nutrients
-Cause oxygen depletion in the pond
-Provide refuge for other animal competitors and predators of fish
-Hamper movement of fish
-Hinder the feeding and harvesting of fish
-Accelerate silting in ponds.
-It is easier and cheaper to weed out excessive vegetation regularly than to restore a pond in which vegetation and silting constitute a problem.

Classification of aquatic weeds/plants as discussed during industrial attachment

Algae – Algae can also be classified into phytoplankton and filamentous algae.
      Phytoplankton are algal plants which may multiply rapidly into dense masses (algal blooms) thereby imparting colours ( green, blue-green, reddish-brown etc.) to a waterbody. 
Filamentous algae (e.g. Spirogyra spp and Cladophora spp)

1) Marginal weeds – These grow around a waterbody but may spread all over the water surface e.g Typha

2) Floating weeds – The leaves and flowers float on the water surface while the roots are within the water column e.g Azolla, Pistia, Lemna and Eichhornia

3) Emergent weeds – The leaves, flowers and in some cases the stem, emerge above the water surface but the roots grow from the bottom of the water body e.g. Myriophyllum and Nymphaea

4) Submerged weeds – Rooted or rootless plants that grow below the surface of a waterbody e.g Hydrilla and Ceratyphyllum.

Control of aquatic weeds/vegetations
       The control of excessive vegetation will improve fish production from a waterbody. Excessive vegetation is controlled by manual, mechanical, chemical, biological and integrated methods.

1)   Manual method
This entails the manual removal of aquatic weeds either by pulling or picking with the hand or harvesting weeds with the nets and other hand held implements. This is a very tedious job in large waterbodies overgrown with weeds or fertile waterbodies with rapid weed growth.

2)  Mechanical method
This involves the use of machines (e.g floating weed harvesters and diesel winches) for controlling weed. Such machines may be difficult to operate and expensive for small scale farmers.

3)  Biological method
This method utilizes animals (herbivorous aquatic animals like fish and ducks, insects like weevil etc.) and plants (aquatic weeds like Lemna which prevent algal bloom) to control weed growth. Fish species such as grass carp, common carp, Tilapia zillii are known to be very effective in the control of aquatic weeds. Swans and ducks, which move around the edge of the pond in search of food, assist in the control of submerged vegetation when they dig into the soil. Lemnaor duckweed is a delicacy for ducks.

4)  Chemical method
This entails the use of chemicals at levels which are not lethal to the fish but are capable of controlling the target weed e.g. copper sulphate at 0.02-0.5mg/litre is used for the elimination of excessive plankton bloom in water. No single chemical can control all aquatic weeds and knowledge of the weed species, active ingredients in the chemical, controlling action, persistence of the chemical, method and time of application of the chemical etc. is crucial in order to apply it in an environmentally friendly manner.

5)  Integrated method
This involves the combination of two or more of the foregoing methods in aquatic weed control e.g chemical along with manual method,manual method and mechanical method etc.

Uses of aquatic weeds

a) Pollution Control – Some weeds absorb organic and inorganic chemical compounds from water and this helps in the removal of harmful substances like pesticides, heavy metals, phenols and purifies water for use by man and animals.

b) Production of biogas – Aquatic weeds have been successfully used in biodigesters for the production of biogas (mainly methane).

c) Animal feed –Aquatic weed can serve as food for fish either while it is growing in the pond or fed after being cut into smaller pieces. It can also be incorporated as a component of processed feed.

d) Fertilizer – Decayed aquatic weeds can be used as compost material for crop farming and pond fertilization.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Godly wisdom

Topic: Godly wisdom
Text: Job 28:12-28

What is wisdom?
       Wisdom is the ability to know and apply spiritual truths or an element of character that enables one to distinguish wise from the full.
         As a christian we must not be weary for the wisdom of God to be made manifest in our lifes. If we have this i tell you Satan will be in trouble because all our endeavour will lead to success.
       In Prov 16:22, it is written that "Wisdom is the fountain of life to him who has it, but folly is the chastisement of fools." Choose to be wise and you shall be acceptable to everyone. The age doesn't matter when it comes to wisdom. Job 32:9 says "It is not the old that are wise, nor the aged that understand what is right." Jesus Christ our saviour started teaching at an early stage because the wisdom abides in him. We can as well be a greater teacher if only we speak of wisdom.
How to find Godly wisdom

             In Job 28:12-28 he says "But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears. God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure. When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out. And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."
Also Proverbs 9:10 say "The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy one is insight." It is left for you to choose, be it wisdom or foolishness.
     In conclusion, Job 37:24 "Therefore men fear him, he does not regard any who are wise in their own conceit." Only the fear of God brings Godly wisdom.
Prayer point: God please grant me the heart that seeks and finds your wisdom by the fear of you in Jesus name.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016



       As protein is the most expensive part of fish feed, it is important to accurately determine the protein requirements for each species and size of cultured fish.
       Of all amino acid profile, lysine and methionine are often the first limiting amino acids. Fish feeds prepared with plant (soyabean meal) protein are typically low in methionine; therefore, extra methionine must be added to soyabean-bean based diets in order to promote optimal growth and health.
         Protein levels in aquaculture feeds generally average 18-20% for marine shrimps, 28-45% for catfish, 32-38% for tilapia, 38-42% for striped hybrid bass. Protein requirement usually are lower in herbivorous fish (plant eating) fish and omnivorous fish (plant-animal eaters) than they are for carnivorous (flesh- eating) fish, and are higher for fish reared in high density (recirculating aquaculture) than low density  (pond aquaculture) systems.
      Examples of protein feedstuffs are fish meal, meat meal, chicken offal meal, feather meal, blood meal, soyabean meal or cake, groundnut cake, cotton seed cake, duckweed, maggot, maggot meal etc.

   Fat and oils are high-energy nutrients that can be utilized to partially spare (substitute for) protein in fish feeds. Lipids typically comprise about 12-25% of fish diets, supply essential fatty acids (EFA) and serve as transporter for fat-soluble vitamins. Sources include animal fats (e.g. lard, fish oil, poultry oil talon) and plant oils (e.g. palm oil, soyabean oil, groundnut oil, sesame oil and palm kernel oil.
        Marine fish typically require n-3 HUFA for optimal growth and health, usually in quantities ranging from 0.5-2.0% of dry diet. The two major EFA of this group are eicosapentanoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexanoic (22:6n-3).
   Carbohydrates are the most economical and inexpensive sources of energy for fish diets. Energy is not a nutrient. It is released during metabolic oxidation of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats.
        Carbohydrates are included in fish diets for energy, to reduce feed costs and for their binding activity during feed manufacture. Fish need energy to move about in the water and to consume the feed provided to them. Cooking starch makes it more biologically available to fish.          Sources include maize, maize bran, guinea corn, millet, wheat bran, rice bran, dried cassava peel meal.  Up to about 20% dietary carbohydrate can be used by fish.
Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in the diet for normal fish growth and health. They are often not synthesized by fish, and must be supplied in the diet. The two groups of vitamins are water soluble and fat soluble.
        Water soluble vitamins include: choline, inositol, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin and ascorbic acid (vitamin c). Of these, vitamin c probably is the most important because it is a powerful antioxidant and helps the immune system of fish.
       The fat soluble vitamins include vitamin A(retinols; responsible for vision), vitamin D (cholecaciferol; bone integrity), vitamin E (tocopherol; antioxidants), and vitamin K (menadione; blood clotting, skin integrity). Of these vitamin E receives the most attention for its important role as an antioxidant. Deficiency of each vitamin has certain specific symptoms, but reduced growth is the most common symptom of any vitamin deficiency. Scoliosis (bent backbone symptom) and dark coloration may result from deficiency of vitamin C and folic acid respectively.
     Sources of vitamin include premix, duckweed, and other feed ingredients.

5.0     MINERALS
They are inorganic elements necessary in the diet for normal body functioning, skeletal development and normal body functioning. Major sources of minerals in the feed include bone meal, oyster shell, limestone, salt, and premixes. They can be divided into two groups (macro-minerals and micro minerals) based on the quantity required in the diet and the amount present in fish.
      Common macro-minerals are sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. These minerals regulate osmotic balance and aid in bone formation and integrity. Micro-minerals are required in small amounts as components in enzyme and hormone systems. Common trace minerals are copper, chromium, iodine, zinc, and selenium.
       Fish can absorb many minerals directly from the water through their gills and skin, allowing them to compensate to some extent for mineral deficiency.

6.0   WATER
Water is an important nutrient in the body of fish. It serves as a transporter for other nutrients. We seem not to bother about it because is the medium which the fish lives. In this case the quality becomes very important.

Feed additives are not nutrients but are edible materials added to feed for the  purpose of performing specific functions which are capable of improving the texture, strength of pellets, taste, aroma, attraction, feed consumption, utilization, prevent stress from infection and disease, cure disease and promote growth and reproduction.
       They could be in form of drugs (antibiotics), antioxidants, flavor or attractants.       Antioxidants are used in feeds to prevent quality deterioration through the prevention of rancid oxidation of fat and nutrient deficiency.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


TOPIC: The restoration of greatness
TEXT: John 9:1-5

The man in this passage was said to be blind from birth. He was the only one of his kind born blind in his generation. In verse 3b, Jesus said this occurrence is for the work of God to be made manifest in him. The situation you might be in now, is for now and know as well that it is for the work of God to be made manifest in you. But for this to happen you have to make God your pursuit. King David said in psalm 27:4 that "one thing have i asked of the Lord, that will i seek after; that i may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple". He said this after remembering his past as a shepherd in the house of Jesse to being a king over Israel. How great is our God? I wish to leave my present state for a greater height. What about you? If you are with me lets all do according to his commands, though it might be hard for sometime "acts 9:15-16" the future will be bright.

PRAYER POINT: Lord let my time of greatness come as soon as possible

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stomach content analysis and age determination


The state of the stomach can be determined visually before dissection and categorized as follows:
0/4 OR 0%   -  Empty stomach
¼ or 25%   - One quarter full stomach
½ or 50%   - Half full stomach
¾ or 75%  - Three quarter full stomach
1 or 100%  - full stomach

-Identify the specie to be analysed
-Take the standard length, total length and weight of the fish.
-Determine your sample size i.e. the number of fish to be use.
-Collect your sample fish.
-Transport them to the laboratory using the preservative agent like Ice or formalin to prevent autolysis
-Dissect your fishes using the dissecting set.
-Carefully remove the alimentary canal and cut out the stomach.
-Using a guide book carefully classify material found in the stomach.
-State the frequency of occurrence to determine the feeding habit.


There are different stages to be taken in other to determine the age of fish using the hard part and these are as follows:

-Identify the fish to be used
-Procure a random sample of fish large enough to include representatives of all sizes and ages.
-Record for each specimen, the date, place and manner of collection
-Determine the sex, measure the standard and total lengths and weight of each individual fish.
-Take from each specimen the structure that will be used for age determination.
Scale – Collect below and above lateral line a particular position on the fish;
-Process this structure (scale) by cleaning then boiling for about 30minutes
-Observe under the microscope using an eye piece
-Count the number of annuli ring found under microscope and record it.
-Scale with one annuli ring is one year old, two rings denotes 2 years old.
-Assign an age to each individual and relate it with the length and/or weight of fish. For fish that is less than 1 year- 0+ is assigned, more than 1 year but less than 2 years – 1+, 2+, 3+ etc.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I started from GENESIS,passing through EXODUS when i saw LEVITICUS counting the NUMBERS of isrealites in DEUTERONOMY and JOSHUA, who was waiting at the beautiful gate of JUDGES. Suddenly, RUTH went along calling SAMUEL, SAMUEL the FIRST and SECOND KINGS in the FIRST and SECOND CHRONICLES are coming to see you concerning the well of jerusalem which EZRA and NEHEMIAH had decided to rebuild. Queen ESTHER was busy advising JOB to stop weeping but rather sing PSALMS in PROVERBS to ECCLESIASTES or even the SONG
OF SOLOMON. Prophet ISAIAH consoled JEREMIAH who engaged LAMENTATION bacause EZEKIEL refuse to tell him one vision DANIEL, rather took it to HOSEA who was seen enquiring from JOEL, AMOS and OBADIAH the where bout of his way ward wife. Can JONAH be obedient to God's instruction to enable MICAH and NAHUM follow his footsteps seen the trouble. HABAKKUK cried out to the lord so as to prove ZEPHANIAH the champion of HAGGAI that the lord will surely restore his people according to ZACHARIAH.
Then MALACHI caught a vision from the lord which she passed down to MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, and JOHN, who understood it and wrote it down differently. This caused the different ACTS OF APOSTLES which were reported to the ROMANS who decided to consult the FIRST and the SECOND CORINTHIANS. Not knowing they will be having problems in bewitching the foolish GALATIANS at the EPHESIANS church.
The PHILIPPIANS which watched with interest why the COLOSSIANS were discouraged: the FIRST AND SECOND THESSALONIANS decided to leave them and go to the FIRST and SECOND TIMOTHY, the brother of TITUS who was seen teaching a friend PHILEMON in HEBREW language in brother JAMES house. Suddenly, the FIRST and SECOND PETER calling, JOHN! JOHN!! JOHN!!! tell JUDE your REVELATION.

Thursday, January 14, 2016



The primary purpose of fisheries extension is to extend knowledge about improved technology (innovation) to the end users in order to solve problems.

-Extension should work with all the members of the family i.e men, women, young and old, rich and poor. The family should be regarded as a working unit in the home and in the field.
-Extension should provide maximum opportunity for the people to work on programmes that had been determined by them and the extension agent.
-Extension should work with well-trained leaders who can sell its program to its clientele.
-Extension should be based on fact and knowledge. This is done by working in close collaboration with researchers and the farmers. It is from the research institute that factual knowledge is drawn, translated by the Subject Matter Specialists (SMSs) in a form that the farmers understand and digest.
-Extension should promote the use and development of volunteer leaders. It is through the leaders that extension can reach more farmers and educate them the need for change.
-Extension functions educationally through assisting fisherfolk and fish farmers to make their own decision among various alternatives put before them.


(a)Level of awareness – The learner cannot decide to accept any practice until he has become aware of it. One of the fisheries extension functions is to help fisherfolk and fish farmers recognize their needs by bringing research findings to them.

(b)Developing of interest – Getting the interest of the end users can only be done after an awareness of the S.M. to stimulate fisherfolk and fish farmers’latent interest, the extension worker must make the message appealing and in line with the clientele needs.

(c)Desire – The fisherfolk and fish farmer now wants to know more about the practice, his desire is getting more specific and he begins to think of the practice in terms of himself and his own conditions and environment. He then looks for the fisheries extension worker for more information.

(d)Conviction – The fisherfolk and fish farmer begin to feel that the practice is for him in his own situation and he begins to feel confident that he can be successful in doing it. The extension workers help them through encouragement, demonstration and other forms of individual and group, contact methods

(e)Action – After conviction, the fisherfolk and fish farmer is ready for action. The extension worker has an obligation to ensure that all materials and equipments necessary are obtained.

(f)Satisfaction – A fisherfolk and fish farmer making a change must be happy with the change. Unless satisfaction comes from the first change; the farmer will not be too keen on making another change later.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


TOPIC: A new creature
TEXT: Roman 12:1-21

This is the word of God coming to you on how you should live your live this new year. In verse 9, he is telling us that "let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good". Turn away from how you spent last year and always live your life as if each day is the last day you will spend on earth.
In psalm 15:1-end, it is written how you should spend your day if you want to inherit heaven.
We and our evil act will never work with God. The only way out is for us to forsake them and become a new creature. Truth, Love and Oneness are the major ingredients for such.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016





250 g butter
250 g flour
50 g powdered fish
150 g Sugar
Baking powder (1 level teaspoon)
4 big eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla flavour


1.  Mix sugar and butter to obtain a creamy mixture
2.  Whisk egg properly, add flavour and mix with  butter and sugar mixture
3.  Mix flour, baking powder, fish and nutmeg together in a separate bowl and mix gradually into the sugar, butter and egg mixture then leave for about 30 minutes to set.
4.  Oil the pans of various shapes and scoop the mixture into the oiled pans and bake in an oven at 1500C.



50 g butter
500 g flour
50 g powdered fish
50 g Sugar
1 teaspoon yeast
50 ml milk
1 egg
½ teaspoon salt
Spiced diced fish for filling
Warm water
Egg white


1. Sieve the flour into a neat bowl, add sugar, salt, yeast and mix well.
2.  Mix in the butter to the powdered ingredients in step 2 to get fine bread crumbs
3.  Add milk, the whisked egg into the fine bread crumbs mixture and gradually add little warm water to obtain soft dough.
4.  Transfer to a floured surface and knead in just enough flour to obtain dough that is smooth and elastic.
5.  Put into a clean bowl, cover and leave to rise in a warm place until double in size.
6.  Knock back the dough and transfer to a lightly floured surface. Knead then roll out into a rectangle.
7.  Spread the filling in the centre, then with a sharp knife cut ten strip at an angle on either sides of the filling.
8.  For a braided pattern, fold up one end neatly and fold the strips from alternating sides.
9.  Cover loosely with a dish towel and leave to rise in a warm place until almost doubled in size.
10.  Preheat the oven to 1900C
11. Glaze it with egg white and bake until browned. Transfer to a rack to cool.



100 g butter
500 g flour
75 g powdered fish
10 g moringa
3 tablespoon Sugar
2 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoon milk


1.  Mix powdered ingredients (sieved flour, sugar, moringa, fish, yeast and salt) together in a separate  bowl
2.  Mix in the butter to obtain fine bread crumbs and mix with warm water to obtain soft dough and knead very well.
3.  Leave in a warm environment to prove for about 30 minutes till it is double its initial size.
4.  Knock back the dough and knead very well
5.  Transfer the dough to the oiled baking pan and bake at 1500C till the top turns golden brown.



Wheat flour
Groundnut oil
Measuring cups and spoons
Frying pan
Cutting board
Rolling pin and knife


1.  Fish is obtained, properly dressed and steamed for 30mins
2.  Bones in fish are removed
3.  Boiled mixture is pressed manually to remove water and lipid contents
4.  Pressed cake is then dried under solar tent dryer
5.  Grind after drying process with mortar and pestle
6.  Package in air tight bottle and store in cool and dry place as fish protein concentrate
7.  Mix 10% of fish protein concentrate with 90% wheat flour
8.  Add two teaspoon of baking powder
Add and mix salt, butter and water properly
9.  Roll it out and cut into small sizes
Fry to golden brown colour in hot deep oil

Sunday, January 3, 2016



There are 66 books in the bible, 39 books of the old testament and 27 books of the new testament

There are 1189 chapters in the bible, 929 and 260 in old and new testaments respectively

There are only 5 books with one chapter each in the bible ( obadiah, philemon, 2john, 3john, and jude)

2john which is the fewest chapter (RSV) contain 300 words and 1135 letters

The first five disciples of jesus were fishermen ( peter, andrew, john, james and philip)

Feeding of 5000 thousand followers with 5 barley loaves and 2 fishes was the only miracle recorded in all the four synoptic gospels  (matt 14:17, mark 6:38, luke 9:13, john 6:9).

After resurrection jesus ate broiled fish ( luke 24:42-43 )

The shortest bible verse is john 11:35

9)The longest chapter in the bible is psalm 119 with 176 verses