The fruit of the spirit is the spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit produces these traits(characters) that are found in the very nature of Christ. These traits are produced in the Christians as he allows the Spirit to direct and influence his life and to destroy the power of sin, especially works of the flesh, so that he can have unbroken fellowship with God (Rom 8:4-5, Eph 4:2-3).
The fruits are products of Christ's control in us, and we cannot obtain them by our mere efforts. If we desire them, we must join our lives to His (John 15:4-5). In this case, we must know Him, fellowship with Him and imitate Him. This will help us fulfil the intended purpose of shape and transform us into the express image of God the Son, Jesus Christ.
The fruit of the Spirit is the physical manifestation of the transformed Christian. Let us therefore examine the attributes of this nine-fold fruit.
1. LOVE: Biblically, this means caring and seeking for the highest good of another person without motive for personal gains. Our greatest goal is to do all things in love. Love is patient and kind; it does not envy or boast; it is not proud, rude, self-seeking, or easily angered; and it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. (1corinth 13:4-8, 1john 4:16, roman 5:5, colos 3:14). Access yourself in these attributes and pray that God would help you.
2. JOY: This is the feeling of gladness based on love, grace, blessings, and nearness of God (psa. 119:16, 2corinth 6:10; 12:9, 1pet 1:8).
Unlike happiness (which depends on physical happenings around a person), joy is spiritual, dependent on what is not seen. (Neh 8:10) says "the joy of the Lord is your strength".
3. PEACE: This is the quietness of heart and mind based on knowledge that is well (Rom 15:33, Heb 13:20). Indeed, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5:1 & 13).
4. LONGSUFFERING: This means endurance in patience and being sloe to anger. Col 1:11 states "We are strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, unto all patience through longsuffering with joyfulness.
5. GENTLENESS: This means 'not wanting to hurt someone or inflict pain on another person (Eph 4:32, Col 3:12). The Bible enjoins us to live in purity, understanding, patience and kindness with all, having the weapon of righteousness always with us (2Corinth 6:6-7).
6. GOODNESS: This implies zeal for truth and righteousness, as well as hatred for evil. It can be expressed in acts of kindness (Lk 7:35-50) or rebuking and correcting evil (Matt 21:12-13). May God count us worthy of His calling and fulfil all His good pleasure in our service to Him.
7. FAITH: This is the firmness and unwavering loyalty and adherence to a person to whom one is united by promise, commitment, trustworthiness and honesty (Matt 23:23; Rom 3:3).'O Lord thou art my God, I will exhort thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsel of old are faithfulness and truth'(Isa 25:1).
8. MEEKNESS: This means restraint coupled with strength and courage. A well tamed lion can live and play with children all its life.
When the Holy Spirit tames a man, he becomes meek. It describes a strong and influential person who becomes humbly submissive when he is angered by a weak and un-influential person (2Tim 2:25, 1Corinth 1:2, Gal 1:9).
9. TEMPERANCE: This is having control or mastery over one's own desires and passions, including faithfulness to ones marriage vows. It also means purity and chastity (1Corinth 9:25, Tit 1:8, 2:5).
Christian maturity requires that we exhibit and practise these virtues over and over again. The fruits adds credibility to your walk with God.
Hence, you must allow the Holy Spirit to work these fruits in you so that you can radiate the presence of God through your Spirit, soul and body, and so that others can be influenced toward obedience to God.
Prayer Point: Pray that the Lord of Host to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
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